Congratulations to former CCW Visiting Fellow, Doug Delaney, on the release of 'The Imperial Army Project'

Congratulations to former CCW Visiting Fellow, Doug Delaney, whose book, The Imperial Army Project, has been released by Oxford University Press. 

The Imperial Army Project
Britain and the Land Forces of the Dominions and India, 1902-1945

Douglas E. Delaney

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  • The first major study of the British imperial army project, fostering a greater understanding of how the military system of the British Empire functioned
  • Uncovers how a vast military coalition, encompassing multiple countries and systems across five decades worked successfully
  • Takes a long-term perspective, from the end of the Edwardian era to the completion of the Second World War
  • Explores hitherto-untapped archival collections across six countries to offer fresh insight on how the military establishments of the United Kingdom, India, and the dominions related to each other and worked together

Doug Delaney's book will be available from OUP from 4 March 2018. 
