Call for Papers: The Future of War Conference, Amsterdam (5-7 October 2022)

What does the future of war look like?

Proposals for panels and individual submissions are welcomed for The Future of War Conference. The conference will be held in Amsterdam on the 5-7 October 2022.

It is a joint initiative by The War Studies Research Centre (WSRC) of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and The Changing Character of War Centre, University of Oxford. The initiative brings together academics and professionals from different disciplines and geographical backgrounds.

The organising committee, consisting of Tim Sweijs (Netherlands Defence Academy), Martijn Kitzen (Netherlands Defence Academy), and Rob Johnson (University of Oxford), welcomes proposals for panels and individual submissions on the following themes:

1. Imagining Future War and Warfare

2. Why We Fight and Who Does the Fighting?

3. The Essence of Force

4. The Meaning of Strategy and Victory

5. How We Fight: Military Strategy and Operations

6. The Future of Command

7. Preparing for War: Military Innovation and Defence Planning

Submission details: The committee invites you to submit your proposal before April 1, 2022 via Paper proposals should contain an abstract of no more than 250 words outlining the main arguments and contribution of the paper. Panel proposals (500 words maximum) elaborate the specific theme, its rationale, and the main questions to be addressed.

Further details about submission, descriptions, and guiding questions for papers and panels are provided in the document attached here.
