Programme for NLDA-CCW Future of War Conference Announced

The Draft Programme for the Future of War Conference has been announced. The Conference is organised in collaboration between The War Studies Research Centre (WSRC) of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and The Changing Character of War Centre, University of Oxford.

The Director of CCW, Dr Rob Johnson, is chairing two panels: “Predicting the Future: Perils, Promises and Pitfalls” and “Shaping Future Wars.” He is also speaking on a roundtable discussion entitled “The Future of Net Assessment: Lessons from the Past, Insights for the Future.”

CCW Research Fellow, Dr Will James is also speaking, first on “In Search of the Holy Grail: The Quest to Define Grand Strategy” and then on “A Tokenistic Tilt? Evaluating the Use of “Penny Packets” in British Defence Strategy.”

Many other CCW associates and former Visiting Research Fellows will also be speaking, including Julia Carver, Raja Gundu, and Milo Jones.
