Dr Rob Johnson participates in AIIA Victoria's virtual conference "How Wars End"

The Australian Institute of International Affairs - Victoria has announced their virtual conference on “How Wars End.” The event is hosted by Professor Damien Kingsbury & Richard Iron CMG OBE.

The conference “draws on the direct experience of soldiers and specialist academics (some of whom have been both) who in each case have also been policy advisers on fighting and ending wars.”

The conference was originally planned to be in person in November 2021 but COVID-19 prevented this. The speakers have all pre-recorded their lectures which will be released from 25 January 2022 worldwide.

Dr Rob Johnson’s lecture addresses the typology of war, and how despite the existence of new actors, contexts, technologies, drivers, and other factors, power still remains the unifying element. His lecture comes under the first of the conference’s themes and so can be found in the first of the six recordings to be released.

More information about the conference, tickets, and how to listen to Dr Johnson and others is available on the Australian Institute of International Affairs - Victoria website and the event flyer available here.